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Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
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Monday, 6 January 2014

How To Place Feng Shui Cures for Best Results

Feng shui cures can help you attract best quality of feng shui energy when the cures are placed right. What does it mean, though, to place a feng shui cure right?

There are two main criteria for the placement of feng shui cures:
  1. Bagua feng shui area. You want to always be sure to match the energy of your feng shui cure to the feng shui element energy needed in the specific area of the Bagua, or feng shui energy map.

    For example, if you are looking for the best feng shui placement of a fountain - which is Water feng shui element energy - you will place it in the Bagua areas that benefit from the Water element, such as North, East and Southeast feng shui bagua areas.

  2. Best feng shui facing directions. When placing an appropriate feng shui cure, it is always good to see if the cure can face your best, or lucky feng shui direction.

    In feng shui, each person has his or her own individual best, or lucky feng shui direction. The best feng shui directions are determined by calculating one's Kua number, and can be used to attract the energies of better health, a more successful career or nourishing love.
So, when placing a feng shui cure, for best results you will work with both the bagua areas, as well as the best directions criteria. Let's look at an example to make it easier to understand the right placement of feng shui cures.

Suppose you want to strengthen the love & marriage energy in your life. You found a perfect feng shui cure for love: a beautiful mini-sculpture of two lovers holding hands and looking in a specific direction. You will place your cure in the Southwest (love and marriage feng shui area) but you will position it so it can face your lucky feng shui direction for love.

If you are Kua # 4, for example, you know your lucky feng shui direction for love is East, so you will place the feng shui cure facing East to attract a stronger flow of love energy.

In case of using art as a feng shui cure, sometimes you can easily define the facing direction (art with people's faces, or animals) and sometimes you just can't (abstract art.) You should always be sure, though, that you place the art with the right feng shui energy for the specific bagua area.

If you have a predominantly red color art - which is a fire feng shui element - you will place it in the South area to complement the Fire energy of the South, or in the Southwest, to nourish the Earth energy of the Southwest. (In feng shui, Fire feng shui element nourishes the Earth element.)

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