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Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
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Friday, 28 February 2014

Methods Of Soil Testing According To Vastu

1. For soil testing a hand deep (about 50 cms) pit should be dug. Then the whole soil should be taken out  of the pit and again the pit should be filled with the soil, taken out earlier. If some soil remains out, the site is best, if all the soil is filled the land is good and if the soil is found to be short, the land is unfit. In the second stage, after taking out the soil from the pit, the pit should be filled with water. After filling the water, one should walk for 100 paces at normal speed. If on return the volume of the water remains unaltered the land is best, if it is a little less, the land is good and if the level of water falls too low, the land is unsuitable. 

2. The scientific reasoning behind both of these two tests is that the first test tells about the bondage of the soil particles while the second test indicates its looseness. This, too, is insufficient. 

3. The land should be higher on the South-West side. 

4. The building depicting East-West length is called 'Surya Vedhi' and that showing a North-South length is called 'Chandra Vedhi' Only the Chandra Vedhi building is auspicious and is also good for economic prosperity. For gardens and lawns both Suryavedhi and Chandra Vedhi lands have been considered suitable. But the 'Surya' or Chandra Vedhi lands are not considered, suitable for temples. 
While purchasing a plot of land attention, should be paid to its shape, its angles the position of other buildings and roads on its all eight directions. If there is some deficiency in a plot, it can be made-up suitable by incorporating such improvements as are suggested by expert VASTU SHASTRI and then purchased. If there is no possibility to improve it, the plot need not be purchased.

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